We are specialized to maintain high standard of works in every aspect of cleaning industry. We conduct cleaning for our several of our real estate clients who are looking to vacate the premises. We believe in hard work and work done from heart. High-detailing skills and years of experience along with latest state-of-art-of equipment distinguish us from other cleaning company.
Our general services include dusting and damp wiping all the furniture, cupboards, fans, windows blinds, air conditions, and lights and fittings. We also remove marks and stains from walls, cobweb removals, tiles and grouts with our Applo HpRd6 dual pump machine. We steam clean the carpet at 230 degrees with a truck-mounted Hydra master boxer 427 machine, windows and oven professionally clean.
We can do High Pressure Cleaning and oil stains removals from driveways, patios and outside walls.
We will take 100% responsibility of our cleaning standards and guarantee you the best possible results and help you to deal with the real estate agent.